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We plan to offer a total of 7599 NFT HipAliens, unique digital collectible items on Cardano Blockchain
The Aliens will be dropped on the cardano blockchain on 2023 June 2nd. Look at the roadmap and look at the PRESALE time opportunities starting from the 19th of May
On mint day will be shared on this website and discord an address to where send the money.
Minting is random and all the flow is fully automatic.
Be patient and receive your purchases
Remember to send:
Difference prices will be refused and eventually refundend. Max 5 nft per transaction allowed.
You will send the money following the payment procedures on the site and using the methods we will provide you in the social channels and on the website.
Payments are completely secured by nmkr
The traits are
We will be listed on and remember in every nft metadata we introduce a special trait named "Asset type".
This special trait considers our personal rarity calculation carried out on the entire population we intend to propose.
In this way we calculate our qualitative rarity based on statistical calculation overall 7599 editions and we have obtained an indicator that we use for our "rarity" trait hierarchy